Hwange National Park – Robin’s Camp

Robins Camp is situated in the north west corner of Hwange National Park, being more remote and less visited than other parts of the park The Robins area is made up of a mosaic of vleis (open grassland), rocky outcrops and woodland making it an exceptionally beautiful area to visit, however the black cotton soils of the vleis make access Robins difficult to access during the rainy season.

In 2016, Bhejane Trust extended it’s operations to this area by installing nine solar pumps, and has since drilled more boreholes and installed more solar units, plus it has refurbished the viewing hides at Big Toms, Little Toms and Croc Pools. Bhejane Trust generally has the only operating vehicle in Robins so undertakes patrol deployments and reactions, fire fighting, water pump maintenance, roads realignment and maintenance, and various other requests in our assistance to Parks in this spectacular wildlife area. 

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