Bhejane Trust has created maps, for field operational use, for game counting records and for the tourist market – to hopefully prevent them from getting lost! Maps which have been created include Kazuma Pan National Park, Zambezi National Park and Robins Camp, Hwange National Park.
The game count maps are so that visitors can record the animal species seen in the parks and the area in which they were found. The game count maps have a grid system on one side and a table and species to be found on the other.
If you have completed a game count map, please forward a scanned version to Trevor Lane
Available Maps:
Sinamatella Area – Hwange National Park Road Map
Sinamatella Area- Hwange National Park Area Map
Robins Camp – Hwange National Park Road Map
Robins Camp – Hwange National Park Game Count Map
Zambezi-National-Park Road map
Zambezi National Park – River Section Game Count Map
Zambezi National Park – Chamabonda Section Game Count Map
Kazuma Pan National Park – Road Map