Hwange National Park – Sinamatella Area

The Sinamatella area is defined by its hilly and rugged rocky landscape, interspersed with mopani woodland and vleis (grasslands). Sinamatella has great game viewing with high densities of wildlife, especially elephant and buffalo, and was once a stronghold for the black rhino in the region, though these have been decimated by poaching, with only a few animals remaining. Sinamatella was declared an Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ) for the protection of the rhino.

The Deka Safari Area adjoins Sinamatella, has good game populations and acts as a buffer zone for the poaching into the park. We have four waterpoints in the DSA, and most of our anti-poaching operations are concentrated here

We have had a permanent base at Sinamatella since 2010, where we have devoted our time to helping the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority with rhino monitoring, game water, deployments, research projects and various other tasks requested by Parks


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You can help us keep our wildlife watered and safe, and our Parks rangers in the field looking after our heritage!

All donations large and small are very much appreciated we require constant support and financing to keep our operations running, such as game water, road maintenance, rhino monitoring and parks deployments!


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